Today marked 3 weeks since we arrived in LA and I went to Beverly Hills to meet a fertility specialist wearing my pajama jeans. Mostly because they’re the only jeans that really fit me....all these fertility meds have helped me pack on 20 pounds. Who gains weight to move to LA? The women here are 2‘s and 4‘s, not 12‘s. I get looks. I’m going to start telling people I’m down 150 pounds but I just can’t get off this last 30. Screw them, they don’t know my life.
It was $350 for the office visit and “We don’t validate parking”...welcome to Beverly Hills. Actually the doctor was wonderful and I’m ever hopeful our journey will have a happy ending. We’re getting some important test results back next week. If the number is over 1 the journey continues...If it’s under 1 then we’re done. COME ON 2.4!!!!!
It’s been a pretty good week. I did my first show in LA at the world famous Comedy Store. It was The C Word Show in the Belly Room. It had a great lineup of comics and I fit right in. I’m funny in LA. YAY. I know that sounds crazy, but going on stage in a big city is a little terrifying. What if I’m not funny here? What if they don’t like me? What if my comedy doesn’t work here? I got great response from the audience, but maybe more importantly I think I gained the respect of the some of the comics in the room. A few went out of their way to walk across the room in the dark and tell me great set. I even got fisted - I mean a couple of fist bumps. I’m one of the LA cool kids. Well, not really, but it’s a start. Thanks to all the clubs, bookers and fans that let me work it out on the road for the last five years! I love you all. Thanks for helping me get ready for my dream.
I read a great quote tonight - oddly enough while searching for a new comforter. It spoke to me...like I’m sure it will so many others...
How’s that for motivation for the journey. Plus I figure, if I can pull of Pajama Jeans in Beverly Hills there’s nothing I can’t accomplish. I got this.
It was $350 for the office visit and “We don’t validate parking”...welcome to Beverly Hills. Actually the doctor was wonderful and I’m ever hopeful our journey will have a happy ending. We’re getting some important test results back next week. If the number is over 1 the journey continues...If it’s under 1 then we’re done. COME ON 2.4!!!!!
It’s been a pretty good week. I did my first show in LA at the world famous Comedy Store. It was The C Word Show in the Belly Room. It had a great lineup of comics and I fit right in. I’m funny in LA. YAY. I know that sounds crazy, but going on stage in a big city is a little terrifying. What if I’m not funny here? What if they don’t like me? What if my comedy doesn’t work here? I got great response from the audience, but maybe more importantly I think I gained the respect of the some of the comics in the room. A few went out of their way to walk across the room in the dark and tell me great set. I even got fisted - I mean a couple of fist bumps. I’m one of the LA cool kids. Well, not really, but it’s a start. Thanks to all the clubs, bookers and fans that let me work it out on the road for the last five years! I love you all. Thanks for helping me get ready for my dream.
I read a great quote tonight - oddly enough while searching for a new comforter. It spoke to me...like I’m sure it will so many others...
How’s that for motivation for the journey. Plus I figure, if I can pull of Pajama Jeans in Beverly Hills there’s nothing I can’t accomplish. I got this.